Monday, August 10, 2009

Day #55 - Blade Runner


Well, Chris hijacked my Netflix queue again so we got Blade Runner in the mail :) It's good though - I've heard a lot about this movie over the years so it wasn't too bad to watch it. I actually was working on my website during the movie so I didn't focus as much as I should have it - but you know, I think that was okay because by the end of the movie I was pretty convinced that giving it my full attention wouldn't have saved it for me. I'm not a big sci-fi fan and this one was just too much for me. The end was weird and it gave me creepy vibes.

As a "guest reviewer", Chris brought up a really good point about the movie. The producers of Battlestar Galactica (THE GREATEST TV SHOW EVER!) were greatly influenced by Blade Runner so we ran across a lot of story details that felt really familiar to us. Had we seen Blade Runner first, it may have felt more original, but unfairly so, we found it to be old news. The awards it should have been nominated for it was - cinematography and special effects. The production design was AMAZING - a very cool look at the future.

Blade Runner was Ridley Scott's 1982 masterpiece starring Harrison Ford - over the years it has become a real cult classic. Edward James Olmos made an appearance - WAHOO ADMIRAL ADAMA! Overall I was not a fan but if you like sci-fi, this might just be your cup of tea.


  1. This was The Handwasher's(aka Capt. Asshat) favorite movie and I am very proud to say that I have yet to see it from start to finish as every time he made me watch it I promptly fell asleep! Hahahahahaaha!!

  2. I don't blame you - I really couldn't stick with it! I can see how people who love sci fi would love this movie but it's definitely not my thing!

  3. Dotty, Blade Runner is one of those movies that if you didn't see it before everyone went nuts over it, then it can't live up to the hype from the obsessed fans.

    I saw the whole thing finally about 10 years ago, and I was underwhelmed. It was good, but not OMG AWESOME.

  4. I agree - perhaps my expectations were just too high going in...

  5. Side comments. - Phillip K. Dick wrote the novel from which this film was based entitled "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep." Philip K. Dick is hugely revered in the sci-fi world of literature. There is even a literary sci-fi award given out each year in his name. Kind of like the Bradbury's.

    But, I think one of the reasons this movie is so revered is its moodiness and somewhat accurate dystopian view of a Los Angeles future. LA writers love to make mention of the degradation of LA shown by Ridley. In fact, you're following quite the LA noir film progression here. First Chinatown, now this, LA Confidential should definitely be on your list. Did you see The Big Sleep or Double Indemnity? But then again, maybe you shouldn't see 'em, since you don't seem to really go for the seedy LA Noir thing... :)

  6. I always thought I would not like noir - and true, I did not care for Chinatown, but I loved Sunset Boulevard and since Double Indemnity is a Billy Wilder movie like Sunset I think I will like it's on my Netflix queue :) I will add LA Confidential as well - I saw it a long time ago but don't remember it.

    As far as Blade Runner, thank you for all of the literary information - I definitely didn't know anything about the author or really about sci-fi in general. "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"....awesome name :)
