Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day #7 - Star Trek

IMDB Link:

Tonight Chris and I went to see Star Trek on IMAX and it was AWESOME!! I really, really loved it! I have never seen a Star Trek movie nor did I ever really watch the TV show so I was thankful that the writer/producer JJ Abrams went into this movie fresh - he wanted to be sure that people who didn't know anything about Star Trek could still go in and love the movie. Chris clued me in to a couple "catch phrases" that Trekkies would know such as when McCoy said "I'm a doctor, not a physicist!" - so it seems as though JJ would appeal to Star Trek fans with things like that as well.

I LOVED Zachary Quinto as Spock - I thought Chris Pine was a great Kirk, but I think a lot of guys could have gone in there and played that role well. I'm not sure just anyone could have been Spock. The scenes where Spock and Kirk played off of each other were done SO WELL - they had a great dynamic! I thought the story utilized humor in just the right amount and also the love story was really small but thank goodness for that - this movie didn't need it. I loved the scene between Spock and Uhura where she asks him what he needs after his mother was killed - it was so subtle and nice, not over the top as romances always are in movies. Zoe Saldana did a fantastic job.....

and SPEAKING of FANTASTIC jobs. Let's not even talk about Karl Urban as McCoy. I had no idea he could play a role like that, I mean, I thought all I was going to see was Eomer (moment of silence for his hotness.........okay done) but he was so great! I hope Star Trek fans liked him in that role - judging from pics I looked up he is a good resemblance to the original McCoy :)
The villain was a bit weak in this movie but you know, he didn't need to be dominant - assuming they are going to make more of these movies, this first one needed to just be a re-establishment of the characters and story. SO, I didn't have any problems with Eric Bana as Nero. I'm biased of course - Eric Bana, come on. He's like walking perfection. So does anyone know, are they making more of these? I really hope so. I will definitely go see them. I might even go see this one AGAIN.


  1. They are making more and Abrams is attached to produce at the very least.

  2. Dude, I am sooooo glad you loved the movie! Especially as a non-Trekkie/Trekker. I didn't know how many people would have felt that way.

    But I have to make one quick comment. Chris Pine had HUGE shoes to fill. It would be like walking into the role of Indiana Jones or Maria (from Sound of Music). I mean, the subtleties that Shatner brought to the role of Kirk is why he is still relevant at all today. And Pine pulled it off with gusto. I thought he was AMAZING!! I agree with you on Karl though. He was ridiculously perfect and he lovingly duplicated Forrest Kelly's portrayal of Bones McCoy.

    I love that picture at the top I need a copy of it.

    JJ Abrahms rulez!!!

  3. I'm glad you added that comment Matt because I definitely needed insight on Kirk - I just know Shatner from his commercials and so I don't have much appreciation for his role as Kirk - I think it's awesome that you liked him, being such a huge Trek fan :)
