Friday, July 10, 2009

Day #41 - Stalag 17

Stalag 17 was recommended to us and neither Chris nor myself had ever heard of it. Stalag is German for prisoner camp so Stalag 17 is about a group of men who share a barracks as American POW's during WWII. The movie came out in 1953 and starred William Holden, who won an Academy Award for it. It was also written and directed by Billy Wilder! This is my FOURTH Billy Wilder movie and I think my.....3rd William Holden movie :) Go me.

I felt so-so about Stalag 17 - first of all, we didn't know it was a comedy. I thought it was going to be a serious war movie. Apparently Billy Wilder liked to make comedies surrounded by a morose or dark context. So that threw me off a little bit. When the movie started I realized it was going to focus a lot on these two "barracks clowns" who provided a lot of slapsticky type comedy throughout which was fine I suppose, but I didn't expect it. Early on in the movie we are told that there is a "traitor" in the barracks who is feeding information to the Germans - information on escape attempts and equipment the men shouldn't have like radios. I really had no idea who it was until it was shown to me so I appreciated the surprise. Overall, like, I said, it was so-so for me. After the movie we watched the "making of" featurette which helped us to understand the movie more and I feel like when we watch older movies we should always know a bit about the context ahead of time. Chris was offended that they said Stalag 17 was the best POW camp/escape movie because we both liked The Great Escape much better :)

With all of that said, William Holden is HOT and I am MORE than happy to watch more of his movies :)

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever heard of the sitcom "Hogan's Heroes?" It was based on this movie. It had Sgt. Schultz and Colonel Klink and it was enjoyed by many. I personally didn't like it. I don't like the idea that you can take a situation like a WWII German Prison camp and minimize the impact it had on many soldiers by making the Germans in charge look stupid and inept. Bad subject matter if you ask me. I have also seen the movie and it was probably well made, etc, but I didn't care much for it.
