Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day #3 - Appaloosa

IMDB Link:

So today I didn't get anything in Netflix so I went to our Movies on Demand channel and picked Appaloosa - my thought was, first of all, I like Westerns (all 3 or 4 I've seen) and second of all, this cast is loaded. Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen and if that wasn't enough, Jeremy Irons? Come on, this movie can't go wrong, right? Well - I was disappointed. It was a pretty typical Western storyline but I felt like the lines were delivered straight from paper. Chris and I always try to picture what the script LOOKS like on paper - then watch the actors speak and interact...can you tell they are reading a script or have they convinced you they are actually thinking those words on their own? This movie failed that test. You can't bring in these heavyweights and walk out with that movie. I've seen them all act better - although...Ed Harris does look pretty nice as a cowboy :) All men do. I'm also inspired to check out some Jeremy Irons flicks....any suggestions?
FYI, this movie was also directed and co-written by Ed Harris :)

Additionally, the posters for this movie are B.A. They won an Internet Movie Poster award for Best Character Posters. Check it out:


  1. Viggo as a cowboy - hmmmm.
    I loved the line "Ed Harris does look good as a cowboy. All men do."

    You are definitely my daughter!! :)

  2. Jeremy Irons movies. One quick caveat before I make suggestions. I want you to know that Melissa and I were hanging with the Cullens and Chris came out with the phrase: "Jeremy Irons must eat souls." That stuck with all of us. It has to be true, he has such power in his voice, in his eyes, in his own soul, that he must devour souls for breakfast to keep that power going. So when he performs, he performs the most intense roles that are filled with baggage. You are bound to get a pretty disturbing movie when you see the best of Jeremy Irons. With that I give you this list:

    Lolita is my favorite movie that I have seen him in.
    Dead Ringers may be his best work (in my opinion), but that may also be because he plays two roles...
    The Mission - way more accessible than the other two and you get the added benefit of a fantastic Robert DeNiro. Please see this movie. It rules.
    Reversal of Fortune - He won an oscar for it. Sadly, I haven't seen it yet.
    House of the Spirits - See this more for Meryl Streep's performance. Plus Antonio is in it. You will be happy. We have it (along with Lolita and the Mission) - maybe we'll watch when you are here...

    Dude, that is only the beginning!

  3. Melissa did tell me about the Jeremy Irons eating souls and I was cracking up :) She recommended Lolita and I already suspected you would say The Mission, but I've had one recommendation for Reversal of Fortune already so that might go on there as well. My challenge will continue even in Redondo Beach so you better prepare for us!
