Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day #1 - Terminator

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088247/

Strange movie to start with, right? I'm usually pretty iffy on action movies but Chris and I are seriously preparing ourselves for AWESOME Terminator Salvation when it comes out. We didn't know anything about the story - Sarah Connor? John Connor? So last night - Terminator. Tonight - Terminator 2! I'm looking forward to some BA Linda Hamilton.

SO - let me start by saying how excited I was that Michael Biehn was in this movie! James Cameron must really like him since he used him again in The Abyss, best movie ever. Of course all I think of is Johnny Ringo from Tombstone, so that's what I called him the whole time.

The love scene in this movie was spectactularly hilarious - I won't get into details but Chris and I were definitely laughing. I'm really bad at putting movies in their context so I thought the effects for the Terminator were pretty cheesy but it was early on in that process so I'm understanding. I'm really glad we watched it - I think I needed to be able to say I had.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes! Johnny Ringo is his name - "I'm your huckleberry!" (Doc to Ringo)
