Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day #2 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103064/

So as the movie opens to 2029 AD, I can't help but think, am I gonna see a Johnny Ringo appearance again? YES! I was excited to see him, if only for a minute!

"....and introducing Edward Furlong." Woa - his first movie? Nice. I'm loving his super squeaky voice - I really don't know that I've seen him in a lot other than American History X and this is obviously quite a different role. I liked his relationship with the Terminator in this movie....the father/son angle was actually kinda nice.

I liked this movie a lot more than the first, seemed like there was more of a storyline. I LOVED Robert Patrick as the bad guy - I'm sure that those effects were really cutting edge at the time - the silver liquid looked a lot like what James Cameron used for the water in The Abyss...lemme see what year that was made. 1989. So the water came before the liquid metal. Cool. So now that I know the "history" of the Terminator I'm even that much more excited to see Terminator Salvation - should be amaaaaazing.

Here is what Roger Ebert had to say about Robert Patrick as the villain....

"T1000, as played by Patrick, is a splendid villain, with compact good lucks and a bland expression. His most fearsome quality is his implacability; no matter what you do to him, he doesn't get disturbed and he doesn't get discouraged. He just pulls himself together and keeps on coming."

Roger Ebert Link: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19910703/REVIEWS/107030301/1023


  1. I really liked Terminator as an action movie and liked T2 even more. I'm not a huge action movie fan either, but I do really appreciate ones that are put together well because God knows there are a LOT that are put together really poorly. James Cameron just has such total grasp of his movies. It doesn't ever feel like much is wasted.

    Love Michael Biehn!!!!!!

  2. i'm actually shocked you never saw this! i totally had a super crush on little Furlong...even with the pubescent voice. i too loved the father/son aspect. thumbs up from me :)
