Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day #43 - Some Like it Hot

This movie was HYSTERICAL! I knew going in it was going to be funny because of recommendations but really nothing can prepare you for Jack Lemmon as a woman - he is so fabulous. Some Like it Hot was my fifth Billy Wilder movie and my second Jack Lemmon movie :) It was my first time seeing a movie with Tony Curtis or Marilyn Monroe, and that being said, let's hope it's the last Marilyn Monroe movie I see - she is terrible! Billy Wilder once said, "Hollywood isn't ruining Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Monroe is ruining Hollywood." Wilder had a lot of difficulty working with Monroe - she came to set late every day or not at all, and when she did show up, she often required dozens of takes to complete even the simplest lines. Wilder didn't even invite her to the wrap party, haha. Monroe aside, I LOVED this movie - it was definitely hilarious and I thought Jack Lemmon especially just rocked it. I would love to have a poster of Jack Lemmon in the scene on the train when all the women came into his bunk for a party...love it.

Some Like it Hot is essentially about two musicians who witness a mob murder - in order to get away from the mob, they dress as women and join an all woman band on their way to Florida. They are both immediately drawn to Sugar, a singer and ukelele (sp?) player - not knowing they are men, she confides in them as if they were female friends. When she tells Josephine (Tony Curtis) that she wants a millionaire to take care of her, he seizes the chance to play the part of Shell Oil, and of course she doesn't know that he is the same woman she has been spending time with! Daphne (Jack Lemmon) meanwhile, draws the attention of an older man who is staying at the hotel - he eventually proposes to her, now knowing she is a man! When the mob shows up at the hotel, Daphne and Josephine have to make a run for it - with the old man and Sugar in tow!

AFI named Some Like it Hot as the #1 Funniest Movie of all Time! Jack Lemmon was nominated for an Oscar but unfortunately lost - the movie did win, however, for Best Costume Design. Here's a great clip from the movie:

1 comment:

  1. I have seen this movie but it was quite a while ago. I do remember how funny it is! I love the quote you gave from Billy Wilder about Monroe. She must have been a real pain in the patootee!
    I watched the scene you posted and had a good laugh. Especially Jack Lemmon's facial expressions in the first couple of minutes. Priceless!
